Research shows that school uniforms support a safe and disciplined learning environment, which is the first requirement of any good school. Students who are safe and secure and learn the basic American values and the essentials of good citizenship are better students. As of September 2008, there is a mandatory school uniform policy in the Springfield Public Schools. All details of the district’s mandatory policy—including specific enforcement policies and consequences for non-compliance—are available at the central office, the PIC, and each school office. The full policy is available in multiple languages including English, Spanish, Somali, Russian, and Vietnamese. Please note that the articles of clothing that make up the mandatory Springfield Public School uniform can be purchased in any department or discount store. No store has, or can have, a monopoly on selling school uniforms. SCHOOL UNIFORM POLICY - Mandatory (Revised June 4, 2009) MIDDLE SCHOOL PANTS – Black or Tan - Pants must be worn with belts at the waist and belts must be through the loops. NO studded belts or large belt buckles. Pants can be cotton, cotton blend or corduroy. Absolutely NO leggings, nylon pants, cargo pants, jeans, sweat suit pants, joggers, pajamas, logos, insignias, pictures or messages . No see-through/revealing clothing. SKIRTS, JUMPERS OR SKORTS – Black or Tan; can be cotton, cotton blend or corduroy; must be knee level or longer. Blouse or polo must be worn under the jumper. Absolutely NO hip huggers, cargo pants, baggies, logos, insignias, pictures or messages. SHORTS – Black or Tan knee length. Shorts must be worn with a belt at the waist and must be through the loops. Basketball shorts/gym shorts/biker shorts are not allowed. NO studded belts or large belt buckles. Shorts can be cotton, cotton blend or corduroy. Absolutely NO cargo pants, jeans, sweat suit pants, pajamas, logos, insignias, pictures or messages. |
SHIRTS – Black plain collared, polo shirt, dress shirt, long or short sleeve. Shirts must be tucked into the pants. Absolutely NO logos, insignias, pictures or messages. NO plain black t-shirts (only t-shirt is the VSA logo t-shirt). Midriff shirts are not allowed. Absolutely NO see-through/revealing clothing.
SWEATSHIRT OR SWEATERS CAN BE PULLOVER OR ZIPPERED – Black. NO logos, insignias, pictures or messages. SHOES OR SNEAKERS - Shoes/sneakers must fit securely on the foot. Shoes with open toes, or backless shoes, (including flip flops, sandals, mules, and slides) will not be allowed. NO heelies or rollers. NO OVERSIZED CLOTHING WILL BE ALLOWED No colored wrist bands, neck beads, head bands, or durags are allowed. The principal has a right to stop any pattern, for example groups wearing identical earrings, chains, beads, bracelets, etc. or anything that may be mistaken for gang affiliation. NO COATS, JACKETS, HOODED SWEATSHIRTS, CAPS, BONNETS, DURAG, BANDANA OR HATS ARE TO BE WORN DURING SCHOOL. HOODIES/JACKETS ARE NOT TO BE WORN IN SCHOOL AROUND THE WAIST, NO SUNGLASSES ARE TO BE WORN IN SCHOOL OR USED AS AN ACCESSORY NOT IN COMPLIANCE FIRST OCCURRENCE – The school will contact the parent/guardian to restate our policy and the student will change into appropriate clothing. SECOND OCCURRENCE – Parent or Guardian will bring in appropriate clothing in order for the student to attend class. Student will receive detention (lunch, before/after school). THIRD OCCURRENCE – Parent or Guardian will bring in appropriate clothing to school. Student will be given in-house suspension FOURTH OCCURRENCE – This is considered defiance and Code of Conduct will be applied |